#49 by Tosca
#49 by Tosca
“Van Beha naar Aha!”
“The story I chose to celebrate International Women’s Day in Brabant is the one of the ‘van Beha naar Aha’ exhibition (meaning ‘from bra to aha’) that took place in 1978 at the Hogeschool Tilburg together with a convention called ‘arbeid - vrouw - gezin’ (work - woman - family). The 3 female artists wanted to address the subordination of women (the school only had a couple female students at the time), but the male management of the school wanted to ban the art exhibition because the artists made a curtain out of bra’s and displayed menstrual products and this was deemed indecent. A large group of women protested the ban by singing to the management: ‘In deze heilige hallen wordt niet gemenstrueerd, in deze heilige hallen wordt wel gecensureerd, in deze heilige hallen wordt daarom gedemonstreerd’ (English: ‘There is no menstruation in these sacred halls, we are censored in these sacred halls, therefore there is demonstration in these sacred halls’”.
Available in two formats:
- A2 (42x59.4 cm), giclée limited edition print (100 pieces)
- 30x40 cm
Printed on 250gsm satin paper, embossed with "The Brabanter" logo.